Priceless Break Up Signs That Cruelly Ended Relationships

By: Mia Williams | Last updated: Sep 20, 2022

Sometimes in relationships there comes the realization that you can’t endure one more minute with your partner and it is time to part ways. These splits can be amicable, but some can be quite vengeful, especially in cases of unfaithfulness.

Here, we’ve found a series of instances where people tried to make their breakups as public, funny, or humiliating as possible. These people certainly went big with their clever signs, notes, billboards, and other clever methods of delivery. We hope you find these breakups amusing!

Dear Dave

Come on Dave. This puts quite the spin on Dear John letters. Taking up a whole back window to announce, “You got caught,” is a bold statement.



Surely Dave regretted choosing to cheat on his wife. Luckily, Nikki had the wherewithal to take action before he knew, she knew. That gave her all the time she needed to get her affairs in order and give him the swift boot.


Transformation Tuesday

How do you break up with someone without being a jerk and sending a text, but also not looking them in the eye in person?



Easy, Instagram. Just throw a hashtag on a before and after shot, then post. She follows you so she’ll see it. If you can avoid an argument and messy breakup, you should, right? A heads up wouldn’t have been the worst but, you know, college.

Fake Proposal

Imagine you and your significant other have been together for a long time, long enough to have moved in together. You’re expecting a proposal.



You drive past a sign with your name and a heart. Oh, my, is it happening? The next sign is asking for your hand in marriage! This is it! Until it’s not. Cruel prank or creative breakup solution? You decide.

Let's Be Honest

Not every breakup has to be mean-spirited or out of revenge. Sometimes it’s best to just speak your truth.



If you break down the intent of the note, you will see that the author was walking away feeling gratitude for their time together. She clearly does not have ill will towards this person, she is just too young to be tied down to a boring relationship. No hard feelings.

These Walls Have Eyes

Be careful what you say in public. These passengers used their photos to stealthily take this man’s photo without him even needing to know. Secrets secrets are no fun unless they’re shared with everyone.


There aren’t many things grosser than a public display of men bragging about a multitude of affairs. Keeping it classy, right? Well, Steph overheard this gag-worthy conversation and did what any irritated female would do, she captured it and outed them on the internet. Let’s hope it got back to someone who knew them.


Priceless Advertisement

When it’s over so severely that you want the world to know, you don’t break up quietly at home. You take out a billboard.


Michael had no idea who he was in a relationship with. Never underestimate the detective work a person who is suspicious of you can do. With modern-day technology, there are no limits on how much someone can track you down.


Be Seen, Not Heard

Game day signs are almost tradition as people show their support for their favorite team and players. However, this girl took the game day sign creation to the next level by exposing her breakup.


Sounds like this girl caught her boyfriend in a cheating mess and took to the game without her ex to publicize their relationship status. Clever move.


Breaking News: It's Over

We are loving these billboards. If you’re going to shell out for a billboard to announce infidelity, get it in the middle of downtown. Near his office might add extra satisfaction to the project.


Let’s hope Emily took more out of their account than what she used to pay for this sign. While it’s definitely going to get some reactions, it might not have been the wisest use of funds. It gets the message across, though. Could you imagine if he had no idea and was just casually driving by on his way to work? The shock. The confusion. The embarrassment. Well, he made his choice and so did she.


Breakup Scavenger Hunt

If you are dating a creative person, don’t be surprised by the inventive ways they get back at you when you cheat.


You weren’t good at remembering to close out your tabs, so let’s hope you have a better memory when it comes to your relationship. If you can’t recall these specific details, there will be some of your things safe at Kelsi’s house. That’s a positive. At least nothing is broken, right? Well, not yet anyway.


Unfulfilling Relationship

The plan is to break up as fast as possible without discussion or tears. You just want to end things and get out of there as fast as possible.


Surely, there’s no better distraction than a pizza. Often, people go to comfort foods like pizza anyway during a breakup. So, why not save them a step? Slide on out before the lid is opened to avoid having to talk about it. Leave them with their cheesy goodness of regret.


From Puppy Love to Not

When you’re young and have a crush, it can be a swirl of new and confusing feelings. What’s not confusing, though, is when you no longer feel the same way.


How do you break up with someone without letting them down too hard? Give them something positive to remember you by. So, it didn’t work out after a month but, hey, we made it a month! Congrats and goodbye, Krystal.


Honk If You're Single

There are divorce parties and then there are blatant advertisements of your newly found singledom.


Who needs a dating app when you’ve got a whole window to share the news that you are looking? Also, it might be good for the ego to hear ongoing honks of support. Maybe it is just the extra pep in your step that you needed to help you move on. Let’s hope it worked!


Steve Is A Cheater

Nothing binds two people together like a common enemy. In this case, it’s Steve. Steve’s worst nightmare has come to fruition.


Not only was he dumb enough to step out on his initial girlfriend, but he made sure to keep her a secret from his new girlfriend, too. Well, whoever it was that finally made the connection, kudos. Steve needs a time-out.


Breakup Photoshoot

Finally, a breakup that isn’t so heavily one-sided. Well, it might have been but they found a way to be amicable enough to capture the moment.


They aren’t as devastated as some might expect. Perhaps they hadn’t been together long enough to take their relationship super seriously and wanted to make fun of the drama of breaking up. Either way, it’s kind of amusing if you think about this awkward photoshoot in those terms.


Now Accepting Applications

There’s telling the world you’re single, then there’s this. Not only are you single, but you’re letting potential mates know more about you before they honk.


It’s always best to start out a new relationship as an open book, especially if the last one ended in a less than pleasant way. This sign expresses the need for the next person coming along to be as upfront as possible as the driver announces they are looking for a serious replacement who will make in on the window. No more playing games.


Splitting Assets Down the Middle

Someone got a letter from a lawyer with a notice that assets are to be split in half. The receiver took this literally.


It doesn’t seem like this breakup was mutual. However, when you’ve got to get around, you do what you can to keep moving forward. Not sure half a Beetle would be the best use of resources, but desperate times call for desperate measures. The fact that it still runs like this might be all the more reason to drive it anyway.


Get Out Please

Who has time to write a long, heartfelt letter? These days, each moment is precious. Let’s get straight to it.


You don’t want to just leave it with text, though. A little drawing surely will take the heaviness off the message, right? Well, Valerie might not agree, but at least whoever wrote her the letter left no doubt how they were feeling about the relationship.


Give Him the Slip

Either the girl knew the guy she was with was cheating and left it on purpose as a message or she was in need of getting her romantic nightclothes back.


George was lazy and inconsiderate, not to mention a cheater. It’s hard to imagine being so stuck in a lie that you actually think denying knowledge of this little number is going to get you out of deep water. Either way, this relationship is where it deserves to be, in the trash.


Out with the Cheater, In with the Freedom

The vibes on this sign are about getting rid of the toxicity and starting the new year with more space in your home and heart. We are here for it.


Graham, you’re nothing more than a crumbled cracker. Perhaps you should make your New Year’s resolution be to stop breaking hearts and grow up. Linda has moved on and is doing what’s best for her.


Here's Your Key

Timber, you’ve fallen out of love. And you can keep the key.


How careless are you to not only be cheating on your spouse with multiple people, but you are also leaving the evidence all around. You’re either heartless or out of control. Either way, you need some alone time to sort through your mess.


There Goes the Neighborhood

If you were trying to keep your affair a secret, that ship has sailed. No one nearby will have to question why the moving van is outside next week.


Yes, you’re the topic of the BBQ. No, you can’t show your face around here any longer because everyone is about to know all the details. Avoiding eye contact might be the best way to exit in disgrace.


The Fine Print

Before the infamous text breakups, there were literal text breakups. The kind on paper. Believe it or not, there are still a number of people who get the newspaper and actually take the time to read it.


Not sure this is the most direct way of getting the news to someone, especially of such a serious nature, but it is an option. It’s also highly doubtful that they saw this in time to avoid calling, since the message might have taken some time to arrive.


Use What You've Got

Why pay for billboards, signs, or banners when you’ve got a public space that’s yours? If that overhead sign is under your control, get resourceful.


Paul messed up, whatever it was he did. If he hadn’t been up to some shenanigans, it’s unlikely this divorce notice would be above a cafe for all to see. On a positive note, this is likely to bring new customers to the establishment. If only just to get the tea. Congratulations Paul, you played yourself.


Capitalism in Marriage

Unlike other places around the world, marriage is more a business than a love contract. At least when it comes to divorce, anyway. When it’s possible to bankrupt a spouse due to divorce, we’ve gone too far.


Sadly, it happens every day in America. So, seeing a divorce attorney take advantage of it is not surprising. To be fair, divorce can be a nasty swamp to navigate alone, but we know the lawyers are just seeing dollar signs. At least the billboard is clever.


Modern Garage Sale

Who wouldn’t want to go traipsing through the graveyard of a broken relationship?


The sign does not help the cause. At first glance, you might read, “Cheating garage, all must go! Wife sale, like her!” Nevertheless, clearly, there was some strong evidence to cause such serious reactions. Now we’re wondering what type of items are up for auction at a cheating wife garage sale?


Axe Later

There’s mad, then there’s axe mad. You wouldn’t like them when they’re axe mad.


This Audi driver did something. What did they do? We are likely to never find out. However, there aren’t many things that could cause such a level of anger. Cheating is one, though. One thing is clear, the person who was wronged will never be wronged by the driver again.


There's a Card for Everything

We don’t know if it’s from Hallmark, but they were not joking when they said there’s a card for every occasion. Kind of nosey and judgy, but okay.


The logic behind the assumption that there will be more than one divorce is kind of harsh. This card feels more like a backhanded compliment than genuine hope for the future. Perhaps this card was given by the spouse as they’re trying to say you were terrible to live with and surely history will repeat itself with someone new. Either way, good luck.


Pass It Forward

How do you tell a guy his girlfriend is cheating on him in the least dramatic or obvious way possible? Use the underside of the toilet seat.


No woman is going to be lifting the seat. The man here knew that and took advantage after he found out, to his dismay, his hookup was already taken. Disappointed and probably annoyed, he left a note the only way he knew it would get seen. Someone surely got caught that evening.


Two for the Price of One

When life hits you fast and everything is changing, the last thing you have time for is to go around the neighborhood individually. Why waste precious packing time when you can hang a banner?


After all, it’s easier to call in an order for a sign than it is to have to explain that your husband did a crappy thing. Whether it was her decision to move or not, it was for the best to get a fresh start. Perhaps in a new neighborhood that doesn’t know your dirt.


Poetic Breakup

Sometimes there isn’t a juicy reason to end a relationship. Sometimes people grow apart or they realize this just isn’t it.


Erin sounds like a nice girl. She has a beautiful smile and sounds like a bubbly person to be around. For whatever reason, her partner was ready to go in a new direction and let her down using a relatively sweet poem. This is preferable in comparison to some of the other methods in this list.


Happily Divorced!

You’ve seen them. The new trend of in your face yard signs for every birthday, graduation, and now, divorce?

Let’s give credit where credit is due. We love the signs color scheme, added flare on the sides, and just this guys overall happy expression!
