Giant Bat Terrifies Humans With Its Immense Size
If you’ve ever debated whether human-sized bats exist, this golden-crowned flying fox needs to have a word with you. Native to the Philippines jungle, the megabat’s wingspan reaches up to 5½ feet and surpasses the average human’s height.
Although its size is horrifying, this giant animal is quite peaceful, enjoys eating fruits, and poses no real danger to anyone. Sadly, they have fast become an endangered species.
More About the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox Megabat
The golden-crowned flying fox megabat got its name from the V-shaped, crown-like golden color on their heads. Despite their intimidating size, these bats are only about 7 to 11.5 inches long when they’re roosting. Their bodies are so small that they weigh only about 2.6 pounds. Their gigantic size is only evident when they spread their wings.

Source: andresacralchakralll/ Instagram
Golden-crowned flying foxes love the company of their species and will often be seen in colonies of about 10,000 members.
What's For Dinner?
The golden-crowned flying foxes love their fruit, with their all-time favorites being figs. These creatures also love to feast on ficus leaves and other plants. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as they’re just like thousands of other non-carnivorous bat species.

Source: opzjon/ Instagram
However, unlike several other bats, golden-crowned flying foxes locate their way primarily through smell and sight. They love flying at night to forage for leaves and figs.
How About Predators?
It’s erroneous to think that golden-crowned flying foxes have no predators due to their size. The reality is that they have many creatures to worry about, with the major ones being the white-bellied sea eagle, the reticulated python, and the Philippine eagle.

Source: celinemurillo_/ Instagram
Surprisingly, however, humans are the biggest threat to these fantastic bats. From deforestation to poaching, humans seem dedicated to seeing that the golden-crowned flying foxes lose their habitat and go extinct.
Let's Save the Golden-Crowned Flying Fox
Golden-crowned flying foxes have been classified as endangered species due to their fast-declining populations. Fortunately, plans have intensified to ensure that they don’t become extinct in the near future.

Source: celinemurillo_/ Instagram
Numerous organizations, like the Philippine Wildlife Resources Conservation, are putting measures in place to save these animals. There’s also the Protection Act that has made it illegal for megabats to be hunted or captured.